Personal Details
- Birthday: April 24
- Marital: Married
- Nationality: German
- Skype: alex.k.ewald
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.
Function Owner Charging
Invented new technologies for charging electric vehicles. Acquired budgets, assembled project teams, coordinated and prioritized the available resources to enable new charging technologies for vehicle integration. Planned and coordinated the series development of charging functions for electric vehicles. Optimized development processes to improve quality and reduce cost. Managed problems and coordinated the efforts to solve them with project partners within the company and external suppliers. Successfully deployed charging functions to series production.
BMW GroupMunich, GermanyResearch Project Manager
Led research projects on developing new mechatronic systems for electric vehicles. Acquired and managed the budget for these projects. Successfully transferred new technologies from research to series development.
Technical University of MunichGarching, GermanyAdvisor to the Dean
Head of quality management and controlling at the faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Led a team of three people as a disciplinary supervisor. Managed the budget of the faculty including the personnel budget. Allocated government staff positions to the institutes at the faculty. Designed and deployed a new database system for financial planning and analysis. Initiated a quality management system according to ISO 9001.
(1 Month)
Instituto Tecnológico Buenos AiresBuenos Aires, ArgentinaVisiting Scientist
(1 Month)
Osaka University, Department of Adaptive Machine SystemsOsaka, JapanVisiting Scientist
(6 Years)
Technical University of MunichGarching, GermanyScientific Assistant
(3 Months)
BMW GroupEching, GermanyStudent Trainee
Tested and evaluated technical measures for the reduction of CO2 exhaust.
(4 Months)
EADS Deutschland GmbHOttobrunn, GermanyIntern
Areas: Test component manufacturing, solar satellites
(9 Months)
German Air ForceMengen and Manching, GermanyMilitary Service
(3 Months)
AUDI AGIngolstadt, GermanyTemporary Worker
Assembly line production in the Audi A4 segment
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt nulla tortor, a imperdiet enim tristique nec. Nulla lobortis leo eget metus dapibus sodales. Sed placerat vitae dui vitae vehicula. Quisque in tincidunt ligula, nec dignissim arcu. Praesent aliquam velit vel libero dictum, non sollicitudin lectus mollis. Morbi sollicitudin auctor gravida.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt nulla tortor, a imperdiet enim tristique nec. Nulla lobortis leo eget metus dapibus sodales. Sed placerat vitae dui vitae vehicula. Quisque in tincidunt ligula, nec dignissim arcu. Praesent aliquam velit vel libero dictum, non sollicitudin lectus mollis. Morbi sollicitudin auctor gravida.